This video is about Structural Unity. How painting elements need to go together in a painting to make a strong visual message.
If the video is missing on your computer or mobile device click here:
I’m doing something special for the next 2 days (ends tomorrow 12-2) I’m giving away 2 extra DVD titles plus 2 sets of studio cards to anyone who gets one of my 10 DVD sets.
Now is the best time to learn how to make your colors look richer, how to make your brights brighter, add more drama to your paintings, make your paintings look clean and less amateurish, how to make your paintings not look dirty, chalky and more harmonious.
This is a great opportunity to try out a couple different things with a painting course. For example get the still life painting course and get one lesson on portraits and another on landscapes and try all at once. Or dive into advanced still life and get some really beautiful really sellable paintings.
Here’s a link to my DVDs so you can go ahead and pick your two bonuses and then head over to the courses and pick your course.
Check out Dan’s classes: Click Here