This video is about Creating Captivating Paintings. How painting elements need to go together in 3 stages to really be captivating.

If the video is missing on your computer or mobile device click here:


Special Offer:

It’s Early January is a time when everything is finally settled down and artists turn back to their art and are excited once again for their own private time to move forward with getting better with their art….So I am doing something special that I’ve never done before and I don’t know if I will again.

I am offering an extra course when you get one of my 10 DVD courses. That’s right get one DVD course and get a second Course included (online version… DVDs can be added for a small charge). This is good only today thru Monday the 6th.


I’m here to help you get better with your goal to get better at painting. 


So go check out 5 different courses I have –  get one and then choose which one you want for your extra course to be included and email me your choice. 


Let’s do something great with art this year (and that goes for me too).


A lot of artists want these things for their art:

 Best of Show


 1st place ribbons

 One Woman Gallery Show

 One Man Show

 Fame and notoriety

 Just paint one really great painting

 respect for their art 

 To do something with art in my lifetime 


Artists generally want this on some level either openly or secretly in their hearts.


What’s the best way to get this? 

 Seeing improvements in their art and getting better… that’s the number one motivation for artists and motivation is the number one thing to getting better at painting.